DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Magnetic Properties of polar oxide HoFeWO6

Magnetic Properties of polar oxide HoFeWO6


Condensed Matter Physics | Elementary Particles and Fields and String Theory | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Abstract (300 words maximum)

In this work we analyzed the magnetic behavior of polar oxide HoFeWO6 to understand the role of magnetism toward its multiferroic properties. Our analysis of magnetization versus temperature behavior indicates that there is paramagnetic toantiferromagnetic transition at TN ~ 18 K along with a Curie-Weiss behavior in the paramagnetic regime. The magnetization versus magnetic field data below TN, indicate a metamagnetic transition most probably caused by the sudden flip of Ho spins. We also estimated the change in magnetic entropy during the magnetic phase transition. This indicates there is relatively large change in magnetic entropy during the magnetic transition when compared to other similar oxides. Furthermore, we also analyzed the neutron diffraction data to obtain magnetic structure and magnetic order parameter. The plot of integrated intensity of magnetic peak versus the temperature (magnetic order parameter) follows closely to the magnetization vs temperature behavior.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

CSM - Physics

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Chetan Dhital

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Magnetic Properties of polar oxide HoFeWO6

In this work we analyzed the magnetic behavior of polar oxide HoFeWO6 to understand the role of magnetism toward its multiferroic properties. Our analysis of magnetization versus temperature behavior indicates that there is paramagnetic toantiferromagnetic transition at TN ~ 18 K along with a Curie-Weiss behavior in the paramagnetic regime. The magnetization versus magnetic field data below TN, indicate a metamagnetic transition most probably caused by the sudden flip of Ho spins. We also estimated the change in magnetic entropy during the magnetic phase transition. This indicates there is relatively large change in magnetic entropy during the magnetic transition when compared to other similar oxides. Furthermore, we also analyzed the neutron diffraction data to obtain magnetic structure and magnetic order parameter. The plot of integrated intensity of magnetic peak versus the temperature (magnetic order parameter) follows closely to the magnetization vs temperature behavior.