Geographic Information Sciences
Abstract (300 words maximum)
What are the demographics and beer consumption patterns surrounding breweries in the United States? Using 10-mile drive-distance buffers, the demographics and beer consumption patterns were identified for each of the 8,579 breweries in the United States (as of January, 2021). ArcGIS Online and ArcPro mapping platforms were used to create the brewery geocodes to be later encompassed by the 10-mile drive distances buffers, which were then enriched with 59 variables relating to demographics and beer-related consumption data. These data were ascribed to seven US regions as noted by the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). Results show unique regional trends in spatial patterns in total population, population by age and gender, median household income, and beer consumption, among others.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Nancy Hoalst Pullen
Additional Faculty
Mark Patterson, Geography and Anthropology, mpatters@kennesaw.edu
Included in
10 Miles from a Brewery: Spatial Patterns of Demographics and Alcohol Consumption in the United States
What are the demographics and beer consumption patterns surrounding breweries in the United States? Using 10-mile drive-distance buffers, the demographics and beer consumption patterns were identified for each of the 8,579 breweries in the United States (as of January, 2021). ArcGIS Online and ArcPro mapping platforms were used to create the brewery geocodes to be later encompassed by the 10-mile drive distances buffers, which were then enriched with 59 variables relating to demographics and beer-related consumption data. These data were ascribed to seven US regions as noted by the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). Results show unique regional trends in spatial patterns in total population, population by age and gender, median household income, and beer consumption, among others.