Hispanic Demographics in Cobb County


Cole ThompsonFollow


Geographic Information Sciences | Human Geography | Spatial Science

Abstract (300 words maximum)

This poster presentation is partnered with Dr. Ingram's GIS 4100 course. The poster will consist of various maps generated by geospatial software. These maps will display analysis done on the Hispanic Demographics in Cobb County. The geo-spatial programs utilized to create these maps include Arc Map 10.7 and ArcGIS Online. Attributes analyzed include population, income, language, and education. Specifically, I'm observing spatial patterns in the Hispanic community reflected by those attributes. Draft maps have been created and exhibit some interesting spatial patterns. Results have shown that the majority of Hispanics reside in zip-codes near Marietta. However, further analysis has shown that zip-codes following I-75 tend to have higher Hispanic populations. Another key trend is the growth of the Hispanic community in certain areas. Trends indicate that the Marietta region is experiencing higher rates of Hispanic growth than any other region. By using GIS to map out the Hispanic demographics of Cobb County, one can observe spatial patterns reflected by their community.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Pr. Ingram

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Hispanic Demographics in Cobb County

This poster presentation is partnered with Dr. Ingram's GIS 4100 course. The poster will consist of various maps generated by geospatial software. These maps will display analysis done on the Hispanic Demographics in Cobb County. The geo-spatial programs utilized to create these maps include Arc Map 10.7 and ArcGIS Online. Attributes analyzed include population, income, language, and education. Specifically, I'm observing spatial patterns in the Hispanic community reflected by those attributes. Draft maps have been created and exhibit some interesting spatial patterns. Results have shown that the majority of Hispanics reside in zip-codes near Marietta. However, further analysis has shown that zip-codes following I-75 tend to have higher Hispanic populations. Another key trend is the growth of the Hispanic community in certain areas. Trends indicate that the Marietta region is experiencing higher rates of Hispanic growth than any other region. By using GIS to map out the Hispanic demographics of Cobb County, one can observe spatial patterns reflected by their community.