Early Childhood Education
Abstract (300 words maximum)
The purpose of this project was to analyze the traditional narrative in relation to how Native Americans are depecited in public schools across America. The traditional narrative, which can consist of textbooks, literature, videos, etc. often present inaccurate, harmful, and ignorant stereotypes about Native Americans to students. Often the instructional methods related to the subject of Native Americans provide students with little to no opportunities to explore both their history and cultures in multiple manners. Often presented as a monolithic group, the traditional narrative has done little to present Native Americans in a dynamic, positive, and realistic manner. Focusing on the counter-narrative will help educators better present their students with a more realistic depiction of Native Americans throughout time. Critical thinking and Culturally Responsive Teaching are crucial if educators want to provide the students with the opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding of various cultures around them.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
BCOE - Elementary & Early Childhood Education
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Sohyun An
Native Americans: Invisible Mirrors & Cracked Windows
The purpose of this project was to analyze the traditional narrative in relation to how Native Americans are depecited in public schools across America. The traditional narrative, which can consist of textbooks, literature, videos, etc. often present inaccurate, harmful, and ignorant stereotypes about Native Americans to students. Often the instructional methods related to the subject of Native Americans provide students with little to no opportunities to explore both their history and cultures in multiple manners. Often presented as a monolithic group, the traditional narrative has done little to present Native Americans in a dynamic, positive, and realistic manner. Focusing on the counter-narrative will help educators better present their students with a more realistic depiction of Native Americans throughout time. Critical thinking and Culturally Responsive Teaching are crucial if educators want to provide the students with the opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding of various cultures around them.