Health Information Technology
Abstract (300 words maximum)
A Study of COVID Tweet: Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis.
Tiffany Agiri, BSIT
Advisor: Dr. Chi Zhang, Associate Professor of Information Technology
How do the tweets of two polarizing news outlets differ regarding COVID-19, and what can we draw from this data? CNN and Fox News are the two opposing news sources whose tweets we used to conduct our research, with the objective to analyze the tweet most frequently discussed terms on Covid-19 using Natural Language Processing and learn what kind of sentiments the terms are conveying, in each news source’s tweets. Through the use of the Python library Tweepy, we accessed the Twitter API to extract our data, performed exploratory data analysis, and data visualization. The research findings will be presented through data visualization, such as Word Cloud.
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Data Mining, Data Analysis, Data Visualization
Academic department under which the project should be listed
CCSE - Information Technology
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Dr. Chi Zhang
A Study of COVID Tweet: Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis.
A Study of COVID Tweet: Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis.
Tiffany Agiri, BSIT
Advisor: Dr. Chi Zhang, Associate Professor of Information Technology
How do the tweets of two polarizing news outlets differ regarding COVID-19, and what can we draw from this data? CNN and Fox News are the two opposing news sources whose tweets we used to conduct our research, with the objective to analyze the tweet most frequently discussed terms on Covid-19 using Natural Language Processing and learn what kind of sentiments the terms are conveying, in each news source’s tweets. Through the use of the Python library Tweepy, we accessed the Twitter API to extract our data, performed exploratory data analysis, and data visualization. The research findings will be presented through data visualization, such as Word Cloud.
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Data Mining, Data Analysis, Data Visualization