Preliminary survey of the mosquitoes of Kennesaw, Georgia, USA


Entomology | Population Biology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Mosquito-borne arboviruses, such as West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis virus, and La Crosse virus are a growing cause of disease in the United States. This pilot study sought to determine the composition and abundance of those mosquito species found in wooded environments associated with human activities in Kennesaw, Georgia, during the summer of 2022. Newly fielded CO2-baited BG Pro mosquito traps were placed at seven locations within the city of Kennesaw, including the campus of Kennesaw State University. Trapping was carried out weekly from 16 June to 11 August 2022. Collected mosquitoes were identified by species, and subsequently pooled by sex and location for future viral pathogen screening (commencing in early 2023). At total of 8,104 mosquitoes were collected, comprising 15 species. A checklist of the mosquitoes of Kennesaw, Georgia, was created, which included information on those arboviruses historically associated with them. These data will be critical in developing public health education efforts for the City of Kennesaw, Georgia.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Andrew Haddow

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Preliminary survey of the mosquitoes of Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

Mosquito-borne arboviruses, such as West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis virus, and La Crosse virus are a growing cause of disease in the United States. This pilot study sought to determine the composition and abundance of those mosquito species found in wooded environments associated with human activities in Kennesaw, Georgia, during the summer of 2022. Newly fielded CO2-baited BG Pro mosquito traps were placed at seven locations within the city of Kennesaw, including the campus of Kennesaw State University. Trapping was carried out weekly from 16 June to 11 August 2022. Collected mosquitoes were identified by species, and subsequently pooled by sex and location for future viral pathogen screening (commencing in early 2023). At total of 8,104 mosquitoes were collected, comprising 15 species. A checklist of the mosquitoes of Kennesaw, Georgia, was created, which included information on those arboviruses historically associated with them. These data will be critical in developing public health education efforts for the City of Kennesaw, Georgia.