Optical Study of Gd doped GaN by Raman Scattering


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Abstract (300 words maximum)

We examined the Raman Scattering (RS) at room temperature of various Gadolinium (Ga) doped Gallium Nitride (Gd:GaN) samples grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a sapphire substrate doped at various levels. Sapphire crystals, along with GdN, were visible under the microscope. The settings for the spectrometer were 600 and 1800 l/mm. These samples have three layers, starting with a 400-500nm thick Ga:GdN layer and ending with a 2-micrometer thick intrinsic GaN layer grown on a sapphire substrate. The GaN E2(low) and a E2(high) Raman spectra showed peaks at 147 cm-1 and 571 cm-1, accordingly. The GaN A1(LO) reached its peak at roughly 739 cm-1. The Raman features from the sapphire substrate were present in the specimen, revealing its peak around 416 cm-1. The different level doped samples showed similar peaks for E2(low), E2(high), and A1(LO).

Academic department under which the project should be listed

Electrical Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Benjamin Klein

Additional Faculty

Zhe Chuan Feng, Electrical and Computer Engineering, zfeng6@kennesaw.edu

Ian Ferguson, Dean of SPCEET, ifergus3@kennesaw.edu

Evara Rogers, Engineering Lab Technician, eroger54@kennesaw.edu

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Optical Study of Gd doped GaN by Raman Scattering

We examined the Raman Scattering (RS) at room temperature of various Gadolinium (Ga) doped Gallium Nitride (Gd:GaN) samples grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a sapphire substrate doped at various levels. Sapphire crystals, along with GdN, were visible under the microscope. The settings for the spectrometer were 600 and 1800 l/mm. These samples have three layers, starting with a 400-500nm thick Ga:GdN layer and ending with a 2-micrometer thick intrinsic GaN layer grown on a sapphire substrate. The GaN E2(low) and a E2(high) Raman spectra showed peaks at 147 cm-1 and 571 cm-1, accordingly. The GaN A1(LO) reached its peak at roughly 739 cm-1. The Raman features from the sapphire substrate were present in the specimen, revealing its peak around 416 cm-1. The different level doped samples showed similar peaks for E2(low), E2(high), and A1(LO).