DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Military Bases in the Mainland US vs Population Density of the State they are Located in

Military Bases in the Mainland US vs Population Density of the State they are Located in


Andrew StefanFollow


Geography | Human Geography

Abstract (300 words maximum)

In the US, the Army and Air Force have numerous military bases in all 50 states. However, soldiers and airmen often have lives off these bases, and many either prefer to be more isolated or closer to more urban areas. The purpose of my poster will be to create a map of the Air Force and Army bases in the mainland US, and decide which branch, and bases in each branch are best for each kind of person. Data will be collected by using existing shapefiles of population density and base locations, as well as analysis in ArcGIS Pro to create new maps of population density versus the location of these bases, and then conduct further analysis of the states with the highest and lowest population density. Conclusions will include which branch is better suited to people who prefer more urban or rural areas, as well as the number of bases in the states with highest and lowest population density.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

Department of Geography and Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Uli Ingram

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Military Bases in the Mainland US vs Population Density of the State they are Located in

In the US, the Army and Air Force have numerous military bases in all 50 states. However, soldiers and airmen often have lives off these bases, and many either prefer to be more isolated or closer to more urban areas. The purpose of my poster will be to create a map of the Air Force and Army bases in the mainland US, and decide which branch, and bases in each branch are best for each kind of person. Data will be collected by using existing shapefiles of population density and base locations, as well as analysis in ArcGIS Pro to create new maps of population density versus the location of these bases, and then conduct further analysis of the states with the highest and lowest population density. Conclusions will include which branch is better suited to people who prefer more urban or rural areas, as well as the number of bases in the states with highest and lowest population density.