DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Cupcake Time Study

Cupcake Time Study


ANNE DavisFollow


Other Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Driven toward improvement and value creation, industrial and systems engineering students study processes to their core and are driven toward improvement and value creation. Whether the system is comprised of people, technology, or equipment we are intrigued. To obtain a grasp of the needed fundamentals of this science we attend classes, take tests, and work with teams on projects. None of this is out of the ordinary for any major let alone engineering. Sometimes, however, it is impactful to color outside the lines a bit. Every now and again, the opportunity is created for an avenue to demonstrate technique, exercise a hands-on approach, and bring a benefit to others. One distinctly impactful tool of the industrial and systems engineer is that of a time study. A time study is defined as the precise measurement of a process, task, or series of tasks accounting for and documenting variance from normal procedure and effort, and the summation through categorization and organization of tasks and the time taken to perform them. For our research, we performed a time study documenting the process of making cupcakes. Utilizing a time study format, we applied an at times overwhelming concept to the process of baking cupcakes, which brings comfort and stimulates a spark for creativity. The trials for this study were conducted in a real home, real kitchen, and demonstrate on a level that is tangible, how to apply a time study to almost any activity. Though many students today are traditional in nature (straight out of high school), there are many of us that are working parents making it work through passion and dedication. So, what happens when you have girl/engineering student who is also a mother and loves food the task of a time study? She makes cupcakes.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Robert Keyser

Additional Faculty


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Cupcake Time Study

Driven toward improvement and value creation, industrial and systems engineering students study processes to their core and are driven toward improvement and value creation. Whether the system is comprised of people, technology, or equipment we are intrigued. To obtain a grasp of the needed fundamentals of this science we attend classes, take tests, and work with teams on projects. None of this is out of the ordinary for any major let alone engineering. Sometimes, however, it is impactful to color outside the lines a bit. Every now and again, the opportunity is created for an avenue to demonstrate technique, exercise a hands-on approach, and bring a benefit to others. One distinctly impactful tool of the industrial and systems engineer is that of a time study. A time study is defined as the precise measurement of a process, task, or series of tasks accounting for and documenting variance from normal procedure and effort, and the summation through categorization and organization of tasks and the time taken to perform them. For our research, we performed a time study documenting the process of making cupcakes. Utilizing a time study format, we applied an at times overwhelming concept to the process of baking cupcakes, which brings comfort and stimulates a spark for creativity. The trials for this study were conducted in a real home, real kitchen, and demonstrate on a level that is tangible, how to apply a time study to almost any activity. Though many students today are traditional in nature (straight out of high school), there are many of us that are working parents making it work through passion and dedication. So, what happens when you have girl/engineering student who is also a mother and loves food the task of a time study? She makes cupcakes.