DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Design of Emergency Response UAS for University Campus Safety

Design of Emergency Response UAS for University Campus Safety


Aviation Safety and Security

Abstract (300 words maximum)

The objective of this study is to research, design, and manufacture an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) to help make the Kennesaw State University Marietta Campus safer. The UAS will be operated by the campus safety and emergency response department. The UAS will autonomously patrol a predefined route across the Kennesaw State University Marietta Campus. While the UAS is patrolling live footage will be sent back to the ground station to see if anything is out of the ordinary. If there is an emergency the UAS will be flown manually to deviate off route to go loiter near the event and provide live footage while the police are on the way. The live footage from the UAS will also be used to decide if the Fire Department and Ambulances are needed. During this study, different Unmanned Aerial Systems will be researched and reviewed for how a specialized UAS for the Kennesaw State University Police Department can be created. Different patrol routes will be created and analyzed to ensure that the maximum footage distance and angles are found. The scope of the project included detailed design of the vehicle, component selection, optimization and integration.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

SPCEET - Mechanical Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Adeel Khalid, Ph.D

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Design of Emergency Response UAS for University Campus Safety

The objective of this study is to research, design, and manufacture an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) to help make the Kennesaw State University Marietta Campus safer. The UAS will be operated by the campus safety and emergency response department. The UAS will autonomously patrol a predefined route across the Kennesaw State University Marietta Campus. While the UAS is patrolling live footage will be sent back to the ground station to see if anything is out of the ordinary. If there is an emergency the UAS will be flown manually to deviate off route to go loiter near the event and provide live footage while the police are on the way. The live footage from the UAS will also be used to decide if the Fire Department and Ambulances are needed. During this study, different Unmanned Aerial Systems will be researched and reviewed for how a specialized UAS for the Kennesaw State University Police Department can be created. Different patrol routes will be created and analyzed to ensure that the maximum footage distance and angles are found. The scope of the project included detailed design of the vehicle, component selection, optimization and integration.