
Geographic Information Sciences | Human Geography

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Abstract – Alex Hansen

My topic is how fast food locations affect the surrounding areas and if they are purposely placed in low income areas. Fast food is everywhere in the united states, you can’t go a mile in a town without seeing a fast food restaurant. I am making some maps to see if there is a correlation between fast food and certain demographic factors. One such factor is if the locations of the restaurants are in low income areas. If this is the case that means the low-income communities are targeted by fast food. I am also looking at how obesity rates compare to the fast food locations. Most likely the obesity rates will be higher around the bigger concentrations of fast food. When the project is finished you should be able to see the trends that fast food causes.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology


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Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Uli Ingram



Fast Food Affects

Abstract – Alex Hansen

My topic is how fast food locations affect the surrounding areas and if they are purposely placed in low income areas. Fast food is everywhere in the united states, you can’t go a mile in a town without seeing a fast food restaurant. I am making some maps to see if there is a correlation between fast food and certain demographic factors. One such factor is if the locations of the restaurants are in low income areas. If this is the case that means the low-income communities are targeted by fast food. I am also looking at how obesity rates compare to the fast food locations. Most likely the obesity rates will be higher around the bigger concentrations of fast food. When the project is finished you should be able to see the trends that fast food causes.

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