
Naomi RaffaFollow


Environmental Sciences | Marine Biology | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology

Abstract (300 words maximum)


This poster will be about the melting of the arctic ice and how it is going to affect certain life that resides there. I decided to pick this topic because I think it is important to address and learn more about the kind of effect it will have on the rest of the world. The whole region has animals and ecosystems that will be destroyed if something is not done to help prevent any more damage. I want to learn more about what can be done to prevent a disastrous outcome and help the life that reside there and teach that to my class. I believe this is unique because as most people know the arctic ice has been melting for many years, many do not know how the impact of this occurrence has on the whole world, and what can happen to our environment. Climate change in no hoax and is crucial to spread data on our declining bionetworks.

My focus will be on yearly reduction of ice and its outcome, as well as how the decline of ice in the arctic has jeopardized the ringed seal. The ringed seal is native to the arctic and has had a decline in population for a number of years. Part of the poster will include a proposed habit for these endangered animals and information about how to help them increase in population. The poster will also include data from numerous credible sources on ice decline during the course of several decades. I want to also mention the different reasonings behind the shrinking of the arctic ice, such as the warming of the planet, greenhouse gases, and the rise of sea surface temperature (SST). I believe this information is valuable and should be presented in an appealing manner to the viewers.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology


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Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Professor Uli Ingram



Melting of the Arctic


This poster will be about the melting of the arctic ice and how it is going to affect certain life that resides there. I decided to pick this topic because I think it is important to address and learn more about the kind of effect it will have on the rest of the world. The whole region has animals and ecosystems that will be destroyed if something is not done to help prevent any more damage. I want to learn more about what can be done to prevent a disastrous outcome and help the life that reside there and teach that to my class. I believe this is unique because as most people know the arctic ice has been melting for many years, many do not know how the impact of this occurrence has on the whole world, and what can happen to our environment. Climate change in no hoax and is crucial to spread data on our declining bionetworks.

My focus will be on yearly reduction of ice and its outcome, as well as how the decline of ice in the arctic has jeopardized the ringed seal. The ringed seal is native to the arctic and has had a decline in population for a number of years. Part of the poster will include a proposed habit for these endangered animals and information about how to help them increase in population. The poster will also include data from numerous credible sources on ice decline during the course of several decades. I want to also mention the different reasonings behind the shrinking of the arctic ice, such as the warming of the planet, greenhouse gases, and the rise of sea surface temperature (SST). I believe this information is valuable and should be presented in an appealing manner to the viewers.

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