
Geographic Information Sciences

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites are a great way to explore our states beauty and rich history. They also offer a place for us to socialize, have adventures, and exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy. However, during the Covid pandemic we were asked to quarantine and avoid social interactions. It was thought that because of the quarantine visitation of state parks suffered. Where are the State Parks and Historic Sites in Georgia? Which ones have walking/hiking trails, camping or both? How was visitation of the state parks affected by the Covid Pandemic? These are the questions this project sought to answer with research. Presented will be a map detailing where the State Parks and Historic Sites are in relation to some well-known cities. This map will also show whether walking/hiking trails and/or camping are available at the different locations. There will be a second map showing how attendance was affected by the Covid Pandemic. Visitation data has been collected from the Department of National Resources and Georgia State Parks for June to June of the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The hypothesis was that visitation had gone down during the pandemic and rebounded after quarantine was lifted. While this was the case at some parks it was found that visitation increased at many parks during quarantine and further increased after it ended. The GA State Parks have a program called Friends of GA State Parks and they have volunteer events that bring communities together to benefit the parks.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology


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Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Uli Ingram



Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites: How visitation was affected by the pandemic.

Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites are a great way to explore our states beauty and rich history. They also offer a place for us to socialize, have adventures, and exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy. However, during the Covid pandemic we were asked to quarantine and avoid social interactions. It was thought that because of the quarantine visitation of state parks suffered. Where are the State Parks and Historic Sites in Georgia? Which ones have walking/hiking trails, camping or both? How was visitation of the state parks affected by the Covid Pandemic? These are the questions this project sought to answer with research. Presented will be a map detailing where the State Parks and Historic Sites are in relation to some well-known cities. This map will also show whether walking/hiking trails and/or camping are available at the different locations. There will be a second map showing how attendance was affected by the Covid Pandemic. Visitation data has been collected from the Department of National Resources and Georgia State Parks for June to June of the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The hypothesis was that visitation had gone down during the pandemic and rebounded after quarantine was lifted. While this was the case at some parks it was found that visitation increased at many parks during quarantine and further increased after it ended. The GA State Parks have a program called Friends of GA State Parks and they have volunteer events that bring communities together to benefit the parks.

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