DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Mapping a Suburban Forest Fragment at the KSU Field Station.

Mapping a Suburban Forest Fragment at the KSU Field Station.


Derek SchmidtFollow


Environmental Monitoring | Forest Biology | Geographic Information Sciences | Physical and Environmental Geography | Spatial Science

Abstract (300 words maximum)

The KSU Field Station, located two miles from the KSU campus and within a suburban environment, consists of a 25-acre property, some of which is covered by a mixed deciduous forest fragment within a suburban environment. Within the fragment is an established 50mx50m plot. The purpose of our research was to collect baseline data on the composition of the trees in this established forest plot. This firsthand data were physically collected by our research team in the field. Systematic physical measurements of each stem were recorded, including the type of species, diameter at breast height (DBH), geographic coordinates, and notes on the tree's health and condition. The field data were then mapped, showing the composition as oak-hickory-pine dominant, but with other notable species found in the canopy and understory. These data provide a foundation for future studies related to the composition and health of this disturbed suburban forest fragment.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Nancy Hoalst Pullen

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Mapping a Suburban Forest Fragment at the KSU Field Station.

The KSU Field Station, located two miles from the KSU campus and within a suburban environment, consists of a 25-acre property, some of which is covered by a mixed deciduous forest fragment within a suburban environment. Within the fragment is an established 50mx50m plot. The purpose of our research was to collect baseline data on the composition of the trees in this established forest plot. This firsthand data were physically collected by our research team in the field. Systematic physical measurements of each stem were recorded, including the type of species, diameter at breast height (DBH), geographic coordinates, and notes on the tree's health and condition. The field data were then mapped, showing the composition as oak-hickory-pine dominant, but with other notable species found in the canopy and understory. These data provide a foundation for future studies related to the composition and health of this disturbed suburban forest fragment.