Abstract (300 words maximum)
This study analyzes the strategies used by screenwriters Mark Schwahn and John Gatins in developing the lead character in Coach Carter (2005) played by Samuel L. Jackson. Coach Carter is a film based on a true story used to encourage any young person who may or may not have lost faith in themselves due to unfortunate circumstances around them. In this presentation, I aim to reveal the ways in which the screenwriters used traditional methods to build characters who turned their lives around for the better. I have shown the ways in which a screenwriter can motivate its viewers with someone else’s story. I have shown how authentic Mark Schwahn and John Gatins made the screenplay. My analysis shows that an authentic script leads to authentic emotions from the audience. I incorporated important pieces that gives my audience the inspiration the movie intends to give. My analysis is a voiceover that shows my viewers video and photo clips of Coach Carter. The video clips are being shown to show the characters resilience and the hardships they face on and off the court. I intend to efficiently show the screenwriters intentions by following Blake Snyder’s beat sheet.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - English
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Anna Weinstein
Coach Carter Analysis
This study analyzes the strategies used by screenwriters Mark Schwahn and John Gatins in developing the lead character in Coach Carter (2005) played by Samuel L. Jackson. Coach Carter is a film based on a true story used to encourage any young person who may or may not have lost faith in themselves due to unfortunate circumstances around them. In this presentation, I aim to reveal the ways in which the screenwriters used traditional methods to build characters who turned their lives around for the better. I have shown the ways in which a screenwriter can motivate its viewers with someone else’s story. I have shown how authentic Mark Schwahn and John Gatins made the screenplay. My analysis shows that an authentic script leads to authentic emotions from the audience. I incorporated important pieces that gives my audience the inspiration the movie intends to give. My analysis is a voiceover that shows my viewers video and photo clips of Coach Carter. The video clips are being shown to show the characters resilience and the hardships they face on and off the court. I intend to efficiently show the screenwriters intentions by following Blake Snyder’s beat sheet.