Effects of Violent Entertainment Imagery on U.S. Society




Abstract (300 words maximum)

Some researchers have suggested that by the age of 18, the average child in the United States has witnessed 200,000 acts of violence. Violence can be seen in all aspects of U.S. society, especially entertainment. Recent studies have shown that the media’s influence on aggression is not determined by how much is shown, but rather the content itself. This study samples KSU undergraduates directly involved in the media and conflict management to better understand their views and opinions around this important topic. Focus groups and observations were conducted with purposefully selected clubs based on their appropriateness to the research study. Five focus groups and five sessions of direct observations with these clubs were carried out. The data indicates that people have varied opinions around the effects of violence in the media on society, although most agree that there is an effect. While this study is exploratory, I am certain that people hold strong opinions about the topic. Unfortunately, more research is necessary to see how closely people’s strongly held beliefs match the empirical evidence on the topic.

Keywords: Entertainment, Violence, Kennesaw State University, Undergraduates

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Brandon D. Lundy

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Effects of Violent Entertainment Imagery on U.S. Society

Some researchers have suggested that by the age of 18, the average child in the United States has witnessed 200,000 acts of violence. Violence can be seen in all aspects of U.S. society, especially entertainment. Recent studies have shown that the media’s influence on aggression is not determined by how much is shown, but rather the content itself. This study samples KSU undergraduates directly involved in the media and conflict management to better understand their views and opinions around this important topic. Focus groups and observations were conducted with purposefully selected clubs based on their appropriateness to the research study. Five focus groups and five sessions of direct observations with these clubs were carried out. The data indicates that people have varied opinions around the effects of violence in the media on society, although most agree that there is an effect. While this study is exploratory, I am certain that people hold strong opinions about the topic. Unfortunately, more research is necessary to see how closely people’s strongly held beliefs match the empirical evidence on the topic.

Keywords: Entertainment, Violence, Kennesaw State University, Undergraduates