Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins | Biomedical and Dental Materials | Chemicals and Drugs | Enzymes and Coenzymes | Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Medicine and Health Sciences | Nucleic Acids, Nucleotides, and Nucleosides
Abstract (300 words maximum)
Oxalate oxidase (OxOx) catalyzes the oxygen-dependent oxidation of oxalate to carbon dioxide in a reaction that is coupled with the formation of hydrogen peroxide.(1). While leaving the specific activity of CsOxOx unchanged, codon optimization has resulted in significantly (50%) increased protein yields. As a result of the codon optimization, we were recently able to provide four mg of CsOxOx to Dr. Chakrabarti for preliminary experiments the results of which are very promising (cell death in cancer cell lines and little or no cell death in normal cells).
Academic department under which the project should be listed
CSM - Chemistry and Biochemistry
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Dr. Ellen W Moomaw
Codon Optimization of Bicupin Oxalate Oxidase Improves yield and Enables an Exciting New Possible Application in Cancer Research
Oxalate oxidase (OxOx) catalyzes the oxygen-dependent oxidation of oxalate to carbon dioxide in a reaction that is coupled with the formation of hydrogen peroxide.(1). While leaving the specific activity of CsOxOx unchanged, codon optimization has resulted in significantly (50%) increased protein yields. As a result of the codon optimization, we were recently able to provide four mg of CsOxOx to Dr. Chakrabarti for preliminary experiments the results of which are very promising (cell death in cancer cell lines and little or no cell death in normal cells).