Department of Theatre and Performance Studies | Kennesaw State University Research | DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University

Department Chair: Rick Lombardo

Our distinctive undergraduate BA theatre and performance studies program, led by our accomplished faculty and staff, is designed to explore the rich variety of theatrical forms, while encouraging the development of theatre artists who care deeply about the world they inhabit. Our majors can explore a wide range of study that includes theatrical production, musical theatre, acting, storytelling, performance of literature, performance art, the development of new work, and the performance of self in everyday life.

Central to our mission is the cultivation of students as scholar-artists who embrace the marriage of research, analysis, and the creation of socially relevant theatre and performance. We provide multiple opportunities for our students to create, witness, and critique performances ranging from dramatic scripts and musical theatre to literary and folk traditions, original ethnographic field research, and contemporary movement.

Our location in the metro Atlanta area ensures dynamic partnerships with professional theatre and performance organizations that offer real-world experiences for our students. Inherent within our program is an ardent commitment to local and global learning opportunities that promote engaged citizenship. Our faculty and staff are deeply engaged as active artists, and maintain close relationships with professional organizations in the region. The explosion of television and film production in metro Atlanta creates unique opportunities for our graduates to pursue careers here.


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Theatre and Performance Studies Faculty Publications