Date of Award

Fall 11-16-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT)


Information Technology

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Liang Zhao

Second Advisor

Dr. Maria Valero de Clemente

Third Advisor

Dr. Taeyeong Choi


The surging incidents of infants and toddlers screen addiction in the United States are becoming a pressing concern due to its detrimental and compound impact on cognitive development, mental health, and physical growth. To address this era's critical child health and human development problem, we propose an innovative mHealth application-- ScreenSafeFuture-- in this paper. ScreenSafeFuture provides practical and parent-friendly solutions that seamlessly fit into parents' busy lifestyles, also acknowledging the effectiveness and convenience of smartphones as a healthcare tool. Our offering includes essential features designed to enhance the experience between parents and their children under 3 years old. With an alternative activity advocator for a personalized parent and offspring scenario, screen time tracking and supervising based on current standards, an educational reservoir for parents to understand and address the issue, and a rewarding system to encourage long-term user engagement. This paper presents an iOS prototype of the ScreenSafeFuture mHealth system, envisioning addressing screen addiction challenges and supporting younger generations' healthy development.
