Information Technology (IT) focuses on meeting the needs of users within an organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies. To succinctly put it - IT uses technology to apply information to meet business needs.

Information Technology is the term used to describe the convergence of computer science, management and information systems. The main distinction between IT and the other computing disciplines (e.g., computer science, software engineering, etc.) is that IT professionals must know how to apply computing technology and to build a business case for that application. It emphasizes the management and performance of information technology planning, development, implementation and operation, and development of the infrastructure to support the processes necessary to achieve organizational objectives.

The Masters of Science in Information Technology degree is designed to enhance career options for a broad mix of students. The program is geared for those students interested in pursuing a career in the management and performance of information systems planning, development, implementation and operation.

This collection was started with the graduates of the Fall 2015 semester, after the consolidation between Kennesaw State University and Southern Polytechnic State University was final (July 2015).

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Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Deep Learning for Human MicroRNA Precursor Prediction: A Systematic Literature Review, Martina ojonah


Non-Invasive Monitoring of Human Hygiene using Vibration Sensor and Classifier, Shashank Trivedi, Maria Valero, Hossain Shahriar, and Liang Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Why Certified IoT Devices Remain Untrustworthy, Donald Privitera