Date of Award

Fall 12-11-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in First Year Studies


First-Year and Transition Studies

Committee Chair

Dr. Ruth Goldfine

Additional Committee Member

Dr. Linda M. Lyons

Additional Committee Member

Professor Natasha Habers


The purpose of this study was to determine if Georgia State University is meeting the needs of its first-year veteran student population and providing an effective level of support to these students with their transition to college. Georgia State University is committed to supporting veteran students by offering three veteran student support programs, Military Outreach Centers on each campus, Veteran Upward Bound, and the Student Veteran Association program. This study reviewed these current services provided to veteran students to determine whether those services are effective in supporting veterans with making a smooth transition to college as a first-year student. The research question for this study is, “Does Georgia State University provide sufficient support for veterans transitioning from the Military to the Classroom?”; which directly relates to the current services and the services that are needed at Georgia State University. The data was collected through face-to-face interviews with veteran students who have experienced the transition from the military to the Georgia State University college campus. The collected data was analyzed by comparing the interview answers provided by veteran students for commonalities and beliefs. The study proved that the current veteran student support programs are effective in helping first-year veteran students transition to Georgia State University. However, based on the results of the participant interviews, more programs are needed to fully meet the needs of first-year veteran students.