A collection of published articles from members of the Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education at Kennesaw State University.

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Submissions from 2002


Community Problem Solving Works for Middle Level Students, Jann E. Bohnenberger and Alice W. Terry

An Eigenvector Method for Estimating Item Parameters of the Dichotomous and Polytomous Rasch Models, Mary Garner and George Engelhard Jr.

Readings in Diagnosis and Instruction in Literacy, George Hess

Socratic Seminars for Mathematics, Karen Koellner-Clark, Lynn Stallings, and Sue A. Hoover


Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices. Final Report., Christine Salisbury; Virginia Roach; Toni Strieker; Gail McGregor; and Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices, Alexandria VA

Submissions from 2001

Effective Parent-Teacher Relationships, Nita A. Paris


Pathways to Inclusive Practices: Systems Oriented, Policy-Linked, and Research-Based Strategies That Work, Christine Salisbury; Toni Strieker; Virginia Roach; Gail McGregor; Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices, Alexandria VA; and Erikson Inst. for Advanced Study in Child Development, Chicago IL


Determining Policy Support for Inclusive Schools, Toni Strieker; Christine Salisbury; Virginia Roach; Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices, Alexandria VA; and Erikson Inst. for Advanced Study in Child Development, Chicago IL

Submissions from 1999


Gender Differences in Performance on Multiple-Choice and Constructed Response Mathematics, Mary Garner and George Engelhard Jr.

Submissions from 1996


Using Journal Writing to Teach, Maudine Jefferson and Linda B. Akanbi


Three in One: Collaborative Teaching at the College Level, Kimberly S. Loomis, Anita S. VanBrackle, and Toni Bellon

Submissions from 1992

Improving the Assessment of Georgia Students, Randy Elmore

Submissions from 1985


Text-Comprehension Strategies Based on Outlines: Immediate and Long-Term Effects, Shawn M. Glynn, Bruce K. Britton, and K. Denise Muth