
Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Georgia Library Quarterly

Formatting Requirements

  • Write your article in English.
  • Use APA as the style guide for the submission. We require a reference section at the end rather than footnotes. Please do not include any footnotes.
  • Submit an approximately 100-word abstract with article submissions. Do not include an abstract for news items or feature columns, such as My Own Private Library.
  • Submit your manuscript text, including appendices, as a single Word file.
  • Page size should be 8.5 x 11-inches, with 1-inch margins, and portrait layout.
  • Please indicate whether or not the article is to be peer reviewed.

Additional Recommendations

Article Length

Word limits vary based on the type of article. Please see see our Submission Guidelines page for guidance on article lengths.


It is the author's obligation to provide complete references with the necessary information. The Georgia Library Quarterly accepts papers edited according to APA style only. Please use in-text citations for articles and place all citations as references at the end, rather than as footnotes. IMPORTANT: Do not include any footnotes and use APA style.