Date of Award
Summer 2011
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership (Ed.D)
Teacher Leadership for Learning
First Advisor
Dr. Changnam Lee
Second Advisor
Dr. Guichun Zong
Third Advisor
Dr. Leigh Funk
Fourth Advisor
Dr. Binbin Jiang
This dissertation reports the findings from a main study and an extended study. The purpose of the main study was to examine the comparative effects of two error correction procedures during repeated reading interventions on the reading fluency and accuracy of nontransfer and transfer passages for learning disabled (LD) fourth grade students. Repeated reading with corrective feedback (RRCF) and repeated reading with word study (RRWS) were used. RRCF sessions consisted of the teacher’s corrective modeling contingent upon the student’s error during the first passage reading, three practice readings with the same passage, and a fifth reading for data collection. During RRWS interventions, corrective modeling was replaced by explicit phonics-based instruction and practice with intensive scaffolding. Data were collected on fluency and accuracy using nontransfer and transfer AIMSWeb passages. Both interventions were effective on fluency and accuracy of nontransfer passages; however, effects on transfer passages were less conclusive. Both interventions had moderate effects on accuracy of transfer passages, but effects on fluency of transfer passages were minimal and inconsistent. The percent of non-overlapping data indicated no significant difference between the two interventions. Interviews with participants revealed high social validity for both treatments and preference for RRCF.
The purpose of the extended study was to investigate the relationships among the dependent variables. Three students read AIMSWeb fluency passages four times each while data on fluency, accuracy, and comprehension were collected after each read; results revealed moderate to high correlations among the three variables. Implications and results of the social validity survey were discussed.