Date of Award
Spring 2009
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Political Science
I did my internship at Prevent Child Abuse Georgia (PCA Georgia) which is Georgia’s only private, statewide community nonprofit organization with the sole objective of preventing child abuse. During the internship, I worked with the resource department team which includes the director of stakeholder and public relations and the resource development specialist. The CEO has taken a substantial role in resource development due to the financial hardships of the organization.
PCA Georgia had a positive outlook on its financial position when projections were made for FY09. Unfortunately, the fiscal year saw a negative turn in economic conditions and the organization received less revenue than expected. This has put PCA Georgia’s family support programs in jeopardy. Although the financial department has rallied to cut expenses, there is still added pressure on the resource development department to come up with more funds and even more pressure on management to keep up staff morale. It is essential that PCA Georgia come up with strategies to create higher visibility for its programs and take measures to improve the organization’s financial situation to secure the future of its programs. PCA can achieve this by doing the following:
• Taking measures to ensure donor/grant information is organized
• Empowering Staff
• Altering the organizational structure
• Utilizing community resources
• Having more promotional and fundraising events throughout the year