Date of Award
Spring 2009
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Political Science
Adult Learner Programs (ALP) is a unit of Student Development Department with the function of supporting the non- traditional/adult learner students while they work towards achieving their goals. ALP has been a student support unit for over twenty years, earning a good reputation at KSU, and also at state level, and the federal level.
ALP faces a number of challenges to future success. Though there are 18,000 students sign-ins Lifelong Learning Center (LLC), the rate of programs attendance is dramatically low compared to the total Kennesaw State University adult learner population. Many adult learners never participate in the programs, and actually are not even aware of ALP, or the LLC---the facility in the center of campus that is designed to support academic success and social networking. Furthermore, some departments at KSU are also not aware of ALP, and thus cannot inform students of the support resources available for adult learners. Research of program data for this project from the Fall 2008 semester shows that adult learners and many departments at KSU are generally unaware of ALP services and programs. To address this challenge of awareness, a Public Relations Project was proposed.
The Public Relations Project focus is on building the awareness of ALP among adult learners, and building a closer partnership/relationship with administrative and academic departments at KSU and the greater campus community. The immediate purpose of the project is to increase awareness and participation in programs through improved publicity while building awareness and program partnership on campus. There are four stages at the Public Relations Project: Research, Program Planning, Communication (Execution) and Evaluation. At the same time, the strategies and tactics for each stage were recommended.