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23-4-2023 5:00 PM


Concrete Formwork Simulator is a simulation game meant to help construction students practice their skills. The goal of the game is to successfully build concrete formwork with the least amount of wasted materials. Players are scored out of 400 on each of the individual stages: shop, cut, and assemble. Players choose between building a formwork for a column, a slab, and a wall. Each formwork has its own set of materials for the players to buy, cut, and assemble. The player will need to take the dimensions of the formwork into account and then calculate the minimum number of each piece of lumber they will need to buy. Then, while considering minimizing waste, they need to calculate if any pieces need to be cut, and how much to cut them. Finally, the Player moves to the assembly where they are instructed to build the formwork of their choice. They must follow the correct order of assembly and build the sections of the formwork in the correct order to receive full points for the assembly stage. If they have done everything correctly, they will receive a perfect score of 1200 for that formwork.


Apr 23rd, 5:00 PM

UC-336 Concrete formwork simulator

Concrete Formwork Simulator is a simulation game meant to help construction students practice their skills. The goal of the game is to successfully build concrete formwork with the least amount of wasted materials. Players are scored out of 400 on each of the individual stages: shop, cut, and assemble. Players choose between building a formwork for a column, a slab, and a wall. Each formwork has its own set of materials for the players to buy, cut, and assemble. The player will need to take the dimensions of the formwork into account and then calculate the minimum number of each piece of lumber they will need to buy. Then, while considering minimizing waste, they need to calculate if any pieces need to be cut, and how much to cut them. Finally, the Player moves to the assembly where they are instructed to build the formwork of their choice. They must follow the correct order of assembly and build the sections of the formwork in the correct order to receive full points for the assembly stage. If they have done everything correctly, they will receive a perfect score of 1200 for that formwork.