It is not known whether the combination of two IS system implementation approaches, Design Science Research and eXtreme Programming, can help improve information systems success in the Tanzanian HEI context. To investigate this, this study evaluated a system that was implemented using both approaches. The evaluation used DeLone and McLean’s Information Systems Success Model(D&M) and a mixed research method. The results showed that while neither the system quality nor the information quality influenced the use of the system, service quality and user satisfaction both had an influence on system use (p<0.001). System quality, information quality and service quality, however, were found to have a significant effect on user satisfaction, all three with p<0.001. Furthermore, using the system influenced the perceived net benefits (p<0.001) obtained from using the system. The findings may be helpful to other Tanzanian HEI wishing to implement information systems for their organizations as it shed light on factors that should be considered for a successful implementation. Although the D&M model has been useful on this study, it is limited by its lack of explicit recognition of contextual variables, such as organizational culture, user characteristics, and environmental factors, which can significantly impact system success.