
Dynamics and Dynamical Systems | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Navigation, Guidance, Control and Dynamics

Abstract (300 words maximum)

For this study, we propose a Dynamic Perimeter Movement system that has a user-operated UAV to identify GPS coordinate points using land markers such as April Tags. These markers would be used to identify the perimeter of a road work zone. Once the work zone is determined, autonomous robotic traffic cones would disperse to position themselves around the perimeter determined by coordinate points. As the work zone progresses the UAV would periodically update the perimeter to reposition robotic traffic cones. These traffic cones will operate using a Pure Pursuit system as a means to navigate.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

Computer Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Billy Kihei



Dynamic Perimeter Movement Using UAVs and Robotic Systems

For this study, we propose a Dynamic Perimeter Movement system that has a user-operated UAV to identify GPS coordinate points using land markers such as April Tags. These markers would be used to identify the perimeter of a road work zone. Once the work zone is determined, autonomous robotic traffic cones would disperse to position themselves around the perimeter determined by coordinate points. As the work zone progresses the UAV would periodically update the perimeter to reposition robotic traffic cones. These traffic cones will operate using a Pure Pursuit system as a means to navigate.