Date of Award

Winter 12-14-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Secondary Education - English (Ed.D)

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Darren Crovitz

Second Advisor

Michelle Devereaux

Third Advisor

Rob Montgomery


Many secondary students struggle with writing, both in terms of skill and confidence. This qualitative case study follows six students who have a history of struggling in English Language Arts class as they undergo a tutoring intervention based on the writing center model of peer tutoring. Students were observed in seven writing sessions which took place at multiple stages of the writing process and with informational, narrative, and analytical writing assignments. Through interview and observation, the researcher examines how students’ self-efficacy and motivation shift over the course of the intervention. Students who began with low self-efficacy and low motivation were shown to have increased in both components through the tutoring process; students with high self-efficacy and low motivation did not experience the same positive impact.
