Date of Award

Summer 6-14-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Secondary Education - Mathematics (Ed.D)



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Megan Adams

Second Advisor

Dr. David Glassmeyer

Third Advisor

Dr. Darren Crovitz


This narrative inquiry aimed to relate student narratives to error analysis of Geometry problems as a form of literacy implementation. Teachers need to develop a deep understanding and application of mathematics content through qualitative research to find connections to practice (Enderson et al., 2010). Geometry is a worthwhile subject to understand our world from various perspectives and to spur our imagination with constructing objects based on properties undergoing dynamic changes. However, teachers and researchers often wonder why most secondary students need help with the significance of learning and applying Geometry concepts. Literacy implementation bridges students' narrative experiences and relevance to Geometry concepts (Draper, 2002; Ratnaningsih & Hidayat, 2020).

This research involved four high school Geometry students revealing narratives about errors experienced with Geometry error analysis problems. Under a blend of a cognitive apprenticeship (Collins et al., 1991) and anchoring examples (Fast & Hankes, 2010), students responded to error analysis problems related to a Geometry concept and a field of employment. Prior research revealed how narratives about errant situations subconsciously affect errors from real-life experiences to problems in a course like Geometry (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000; Mertova & Webster, 2020). The errors included a wrong strategy needing comprehension, a miscomputation needing process skills, and faulty algorithms needing focus in the midst (transformational) or end (encoded) of a problem (Riastuti et al., 2017; Pomalato et al., 2020; Ratnaningsih & Hidayat, 2020).

This research’s findings reveal that students experience narratives involving errors related to Geometry problems. The narratives implement behaviors and actions by students that are analogous to the standards for mathematical practice. The findings support implications for teachers having a model for literacy implementation based on the standards of mathematical teaching practices (Boston et al., 2017).


