STEM Identity: Where do I stand?


Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology | Chemistry

Abstract (300 words maximum)

One objective that universities and colleges focus on with STEM students is preparing students for future careers and developing professional identities. This current research project seeks to identify an effective model to develop individuals STEM professional identity in their first semester through a CURE course. Using a case approach that utilizes qualitative and quantitative data emerging themes will be identified to understand the relationship between the CURE experience and an individual's STEM professional identity. The Professional Identity Status Questionnaire (PISQ-5D) is an instrument used to classify a student’s professional identity status as they enter the world of STEM. The PISQ-5D uses the scores for identity formation practice that include affirmation, in-depth exploration, commitment, practices, and reconsideration of commitment to classify a student’s professional STEM identity status. The research was structured using a pre-survey and post-survey to understand how a student's STEM professional identity and related attributes such as self-efficacy and sense of belonging related to shifts in one’s identity. An individual’s identity will be used to create cases of individuals with similar identities. Student reflections that were embedded in the course were used to further inform the survey data and analyzed to identify emerging themes that may have contributed to an individual’s identity shift. There were noticeable changes in identity status of the individuals from the beginning of the fall semester to the end. Results indicate that some factors such as sense of belonging and self-efficacy played a role in a student’s identity status. Also, students reflect on how the CURE experience informed their understanding of their major/profession which contributed to shifts in their identity status. A student identity status can change no matter how sure a student is about their future. The findings from this study aid to inform classroom instruction and understanding elements that may contribute to the development of an individual's STEM professional identity.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

CSM - Chemistry and Biochemistry

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Michelle Head

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STEM Identity: Where do I stand?

One objective that universities and colleges focus on with STEM students is preparing students for future careers and developing professional identities. This current research project seeks to identify an effective model to develop individuals STEM professional identity in their first semester through a CURE course. Using a case approach that utilizes qualitative and quantitative data emerging themes will be identified to understand the relationship between the CURE experience and an individual's STEM professional identity. The Professional Identity Status Questionnaire (PISQ-5D) is an instrument used to classify a student’s professional identity status as they enter the world of STEM. The PISQ-5D uses the scores for identity formation practice that include affirmation, in-depth exploration, commitment, practices, and reconsideration of commitment to classify a student’s professional STEM identity status. The research was structured using a pre-survey and post-survey to understand how a student's STEM professional identity and related attributes such as self-efficacy and sense of belonging related to shifts in one’s identity. An individual’s identity will be used to create cases of individuals with similar identities. Student reflections that were embedded in the course were used to further inform the survey data and analyzed to identify emerging themes that may have contributed to an individual’s identity shift. There were noticeable changes in identity status of the individuals from the beginning of the fall semester to the end. Results indicate that some factors such as sense of belonging and self-efficacy played a role in a student’s identity status. Also, students reflect on how the CURE experience informed their understanding of their major/profession which contributed to shifts in their identity status. A student identity status can change no matter how sure a student is about their future. The findings from this study aid to inform classroom instruction and understanding elements that may contribute to the development of an individual's STEM professional identity.