Community-Engaged Scholar Network Alumni Survey Report of Findings and Recommendations
Organization Development | Other Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Abstract (300 words maximum)
The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) is an international association of community-engaged universities. It has two signature programs: (1) the Emerging Engagement Scholar Workshop (EESW), aimed at preparing doctoral students and early career faculty for community-engaged scholarship and (2) Outreach and Engagement Practitioners Network (OEPN), aimed at providing new and established professionals with targeted professional development and a community of support for managing and leading community-engaged initiatives at their institutions of higher education and/or community. As part of EESW’s and OEPN’s future programming, in 2023, they undertook a survey to determine if, when, and how their programming has shaped their alumni’s career trajectory and gathering recommendations for future programming by the ESC more generally. Through a community-university partnership, the ESC, along with staff from KSU, Michigan State University, and the University of Colorado-Boulder are using this research to inform ESC’s Strategic Plan, which will be shared with its members during the 2025 national conference. Students enrolled in the KSU Human Services Program’s HS3600: Program Development and Evaluation course, under the supervision of their professor, have played an integral part in this multi-phase research endeavor. Phases 1 and 2 were completed and presented at the 2023 Symposium for Student Scholars and the 2023 ESC Conference. Here, we aim to report on Phase 3, whereby HS3600 students, organized into four evaluation teams, conducted (1) a targeted literature review, (2) analyzed the qualitative alumni survey data, and (3) conducted virtual interviews with program stakeholders. This poster presentation will feature the program evaluation matrix on one of the principal areas of concern that emerged in 2023 from the ESC membership: the health and wellbeing of boundary spanners within higher education. We will also present data analysis from the alumni survey and make recommendations to the ESC Strategic Planning Committee. This systematic investigation culminates in a report of findings to the ESC Board of Directors to inform the next phase in the strategic planning process.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
WCHHS - Social Work and Human Services
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Dr. Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez
Additional Faculty
Dr. Diane Doberneck, Emerging Engagement Scholar (EES) Director,
Ms. Jeanne, Outreach and Engagement Practitioners Network (OEPN) Director,
Community-Engaged Scholar Network Alumni Survey Report of Findings and Recommendations
The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) is an international association of community-engaged universities. It has two signature programs: (1) the Emerging Engagement Scholar Workshop (EESW), aimed at preparing doctoral students and early career faculty for community-engaged scholarship and (2) Outreach and Engagement Practitioners Network (OEPN), aimed at providing new and established professionals with targeted professional development and a community of support for managing and leading community-engaged initiatives at their institutions of higher education and/or community. As part of EESW’s and OEPN’s future programming, in 2023, they undertook a survey to determine if, when, and how their programming has shaped their alumni’s career trajectory and gathering recommendations for future programming by the ESC more generally. Through a community-university partnership, the ESC, along with staff from KSU, Michigan State University, and the University of Colorado-Boulder are using this research to inform ESC’s Strategic Plan, which will be shared with its members during the 2025 national conference. Students enrolled in the KSU Human Services Program’s HS3600: Program Development and Evaluation course, under the supervision of their professor, have played an integral part in this multi-phase research endeavor. Phases 1 and 2 were completed and presented at the 2023 Symposium for Student Scholars and the 2023 ESC Conference. Here, we aim to report on Phase 3, whereby HS3600 students, organized into four evaluation teams, conducted (1) a targeted literature review, (2) analyzed the qualitative alumni survey data, and (3) conducted virtual interviews with program stakeholders. This poster presentation will feature the program evaluation matrix on one of the principal areas of concern that emerged in 2023 from the ESC membership: the health and wellbeing of boundary spanners within higher education. We will also present data analysis from the alumni survey and make recommendations to the ESC Strategic Planning Committee. This systematic investigation culminates in a report of findings to the ESC Board of Directors to inform the next phase in the strategic planning process.