Spatial Interpolation and Analysis of Silting in Frey Lake
Geographic Information Sciences | Physical and Environmental Geography | Spatial Science
Abstract (300 words maximum)
Local lakes and other freshwater bodies provide crucial habitat to various forms of ecological life. Silting of such water bodies can worsen water quality and reduce their capacity. Silting can be caused by natural and anthropogenic influences. This project uses Spatial Interpolation methods within ArcGIS to analyze the pattern of silt distribution in Frey Lake, Kennesaw Georgia. Field data on Silt Depth was used to conduct Empirical Bayesian Kriging with the help of ArcGIS Pro Software. Silt thickness and distribution models for the lakebed were generated in Vector format. The results show varying silt thickness that trend along the downstream orientation of the lake. In this lake, the thickest silt sink is located closest to the dam, where the water depth is the deepest. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the problem of silting in local reservoirs which are also the sources of fresh water across the globe.
Keywords: Lake, Silt, Interpolation, Fresh Water
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Ranbir Singh Kang
Spatial Interpolation and Analysis of Silting in Frey Lake
Local lakes and other freshwater bodies provide crucial habitat to various forms of ecological life. Silting of such water bodies can worsen water quality and reduce their capacity. Silting can be caused by natural and anthropogenic influences. This project uses Spatial Interpolation methods within ArcGIS to analyze the pattern of silt distribution in Frey Lake, Kennesaw Georgia. Field data on Silt Depth was used to conduct Empirical Bayesian Kriging with the help of ArcGIS Pro Software. Silt thickness and distribution models for the lakebed were generated in Vector format. The results show varying silt thickness that trend along the downstream orientation of the lake. In this lake, the thickest silt sink is located closest to the dam, where the water depth is the deepest. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the problem of silting in local reservoirs which are also the sources of fresh water across the globe.
Keywords: Lake, Silt, Interpolation, Fresh Water