
Lisero MugulaFollow


Health Information Technology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Programming can be a mentally demanding exercise. The objective of this study is to explore the effects emotions have on a programmer’s quality of code. Programmers in the study are given a Rainfall Problem to solve as their emotional data is collected simultaneously. Emotional data is collected using EMOTIV’s neuroheadset. There are 6 emotions tracked in this study: engagement, excitement, focus, interest, relaxation, and stress. One control group is relaxed prior to beginning the programming problem. An EEG-powered relaxation device called Muse is used to accomplish this task. Coding quality is measured based on 6 parameters: average, sum, count, sentinel, negative and DivZero. Generally, positive emotions are associated with a higher quality of code while negative emotions are associated with lower quality of code.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

Information Technology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Maria Valero



Relation between emotions and students’ code quality using IoT

Programming can be a mentally demanding exercise. The objective of this study is to explore the effects emotions have on a programmer’s quality of code. Programmers in the study are given a Rainfall Problem to solve as their emotional data is collected simultaneously. Emotional data is collected using EMOTIV’s neuroheadset. There are 6 emotions tracked in this study: engagement, excitement, focus, interest, relaxation, and stress. One control group is relaxed prior to beginning the programming problem. An EEG-powered relaxation device called Muse is used to accomplish this task. Coding quality is measured based on 6 parameters: average, sum, count, sentinel, negative and DivZero. Generally, positive emotions are associated with a higher quality of code while negative emotions are associated with lower quality of code.