Volume 61, Issue 1 (2013)
From the Editor
Perry Bratcher
The Journal-Based Publishing Activity of Tennessee Academic Librarians: 2007-2011
Susan E. Wood and Betsy Park
Measuring (the value of) Space: A Case Study of a Collaborative Assessment of an Academic Library’s Physical Collections
Diana Reid and Margo Smith
Starting From Scratch: Implementing a Successful, Multifaceted Information Literacy Program for the First-Year Course
Anthony Holderied
Maximizing One-Shot Impact: Using Pre-Test Responses in the Information Literacy Classroom
Andrea Brooks
Implementing Discovery at the University of North Alabama
Amy Butler and Leigh Thompson
Book Review: Democracy, Dialogue, and Community Action: Truth and Reconciliation in Greensboro
Peter Dean
Book Review: Eat Drink Delta: A Hungry Traveler’s Journey Through The Soul of the South
Melinda F. Matthews
Book Review: George Keats of Kentucky: A Life
Carol Walker Jordan
Book Review: Helen Matthews Lewis: Living Social Justice in Appalachia
Carol Walker Jordan