Date of Award

Spring 3-24-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Secondary Education



Committee Chair

Darren Crovitz

First Committee Member

Jennifer Dail

Second Committee Member

Megan Adams



Purpose. This paper will explore the implementation of digital game-based learning, while also specifically engaging in performance-based differentiation of digital game-based learning activities to align with student assessment data.

Background. Over the course of the study the aim is to clarify implementation and use of digital game-based learning and come to a better understanding of which games students enjoy and why they enjoy them. The research will explore ways that the educator provides differentiated and personalized instruction to students to offset the increases in class size and increased access to digital tools within the classroom. The overview of the literature review will recognize that digital resources, including those for gaming, are widely available to teachers and have provided effective interventions to address learners’ individual needs. Student interaction with technology is ever-increasing, and methods to engage student learning mandate an examination of varied digital teaching techniques. Digital game-based learning, differentiation, and data application all play a role in the method. The nature of digital game-based learning – its level-based scaffolding, the reduced impact of failure on student achievement, the ability for the teacher to design different games for different needs – all lend to its increased use as an instructional modality.