Volume 20, Number 1 (2002)
Full Issue
Provenance XX
Susan G. Broome
Front Matter
Front Matter
Susan G. Broome
Thirty and Counting: A Personal Perspective on the Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists
Ellen Garrison
Bringing Provenance to a Wider Audience
Linda Matthews
"If at First You Don't Succeed": Blacksheer, Menefee & Stein, A Second Appraisal
Carol Ellis and Russell D. James
Sharing Resources in the World of Downsizing: A Dialog
Susan Kienzler and Gerald F. Patout Jr.
What a Woven Web: Archives, Websites, and the Coming Legacy of "Light Gray Literature"
Earle E. Spamer
Archival Donor Relations and Development: Keeping a Balance
Carla M. Summers
Back Matter
Back Matter
Susan G. Broome

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