Defense Date
Summer 7-18-2023
Degree Type
Degree Name
Business Administration
Committee Chair/First Advisor
Dr. Pramod Iyer
Committee Member or Co-Chair
Dr. Mona Sinha
Committee Member
Dr. Stefan Sleep
Dr. Prachi Gala
Unpacking Value Co-creation using the Dynamic Capabilities Framework
Perry L Parke
Product innovation and the value it provides have attracted a significant level of attention from scholars and practitioners. Prior research has looked conceptually at how firm capabilities help co-create value between firms and their customers, especially in the B2C realm. Recent research has clearly shown how important value co-creation is in B2B markets. Considering that innovation is known to be influenced by a number of organizational mindsets (such as entrepreneurial orientation), it is important to understand the interplay between co-creation and various orientations influencing innovation. To address this gap, the current research examines the interplay between value co-creation and one important organizational mindset: entrepreneurial orientation. In addition, this dissertation looks at the role of other organizational-level factors such as customer orientation and knowledge sharing as moderators that can influence firm innovation results.