Date of Completion

Spring 4-30-2023

Project Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing - Nursing Administration and Health Policy



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Nancy Ballard

Committee Member

Dr. Nancy Ballard


PURPOSE: The purpose of this integrative review was to identify and synthesize the best practices of engagement and education for care partners of patients with new ostomies to support adaptation.

METHODS: Five-stage integrative review process: (1) problem identification, (2) systematic literature search, (3) data evaluation, (4) data analysis, and (5) presentation.

RESULTS: Four themes with sub-themes emerged to understand effective engagement and education of care partners: (1) care partner influences on patient outcomes; (2) care partner needs; (3) barriers to care partner adaptation; and (4) diverse engagement strategies. Each theme and sub-themes related to care partners could not be separated from the ostomy patients’ needs and experiences.

CONCLUSION: The interconnected relationship between ostomy patients and their care partners greatly influences physical, psychosocial, and medical outcomes. Best practices of education and engagement of care partners should be considered for the development of new ostomy care delivery models to improve patient outcomes and support adaptation.

KEY WORDS: Care partners, caregiver, ostomy, education, engagement
