Date of Completion

Fall 12-14-2021

Project Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing - Educational Leadership



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Judith Hold


Aim: Describe nursing research that has studied prone positioning in patients with COVID-19 and the outcomes.

Background: Prone positioning has been a well-studied intervention in patients experiencing acute respiratory distress syndrome. The intervention has proven to provide beneficial physiological effects.

Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases. Key search terms were: Covid-19, Coronavirus, outcomes, and prone position. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were outlined and the articles examined for each. Whittemore and Knafl’s (2005) integrative approach was used to conduct this review.

Discussion: This review evaluated the different criteria physicians utilized in their decision to implement prone positioning in patients with COVID-19; the onset, duration, and frequency of the intervention; and the patient outcomes. This information provides members of the healthcare team with the knowledge to create and implement policy that supports best practice.

Conclusion: This review examined evidence of prone positioning in patients with COVID-19. The beneficial effects of prone positioning in patients with COVID-19 were identified as well as the potential limitations. The review also acknowledged where additional research is needed to further the understanding and improve the implementation of prone positioning in patients with COVID-19.

Keywords: Covid-19, Coronavirus, outcomes, and prone position
