Bailey School of Music Concert Programs
Performance Date
Spring 4-27-2018
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Carlo Rizzi
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The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra returns to Kennesaw State University to tackle classical symphonies by two big personalities and feature KSU's own as soloist. The spirit of 18th-century composer Franz Joseph Haydn hovers over this concert led by conductor Carlo Rizzi. 20th century Russian Sergei Prokofiev pays homage to Haydn in his nimble and puckish "Classical" Symphony while Beethoven, a cantankerous student of Haydn, echoed the master in his sunny and explosively exuberant Symphony No. 2 one hundred years earlier. Elizabeth Koch Tiscione, ASO Principal Oboe and KSU Artist-in-Residence, solos in Mozart's Oboe Concerto.
Performance Season
17-18 Season