Date of Award

Fall 12-7-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Professional Writing (MAPW)



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Sergio Figueiredo


Prof. Mitchell Olson


Orphan with a Gun is an experimental graphic novel which introduces a new, gritty universe to the popularized ‘Child vs. Monster’ sub-genre—presented through a lens of dark satire and ultra-violence. O.W.A.G. further innovates on the norms of narrative visual aesthetics common in contemporary graphic fiction for teens and young adults. Book 1 of the series chronicles the journey of three troubled teens who inadvertently discover a gateway into a twisted alternate reality—hidden inside a closed down video store.

This project portfolio contains an original 118-page script for the Prologue, Part 1, and Part 2 of the first installment in an ongoing series. Included with the script pages is a 'pitch package'—composed for the pitching, marketing, artist collaboration, and potential publication of Orphan with a Gun in continuation of the project.

*Note: the project portfolio is broken into two documents--PART I and PART II.

Available for download on Tuesday, November 25, 2070
