
Formatting Guidelines

Style Guide 

  1. Please follow U.S. spelling and punctuation conventions (i.e., labor, not labour; globalization, not globalization). 
  2. Unless noted otherwise below, all content including text, abstracts, footnotes, appendices, and references, should have the following format: 
    • 12 point Times New Roman/Times font 
    • Double-spaced 
    • Six-inch lines/one-inch margins all around 
    • U.S. letter page size (8.5 X 11 in.) left justified 
  3. Three headings are generally adequate to organize an article. 
    • First-Level: Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading  
    • Second-LevelFlush left, Bold, Title Case Heading 
    • Third-LevelFlush left, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading  
  4.  Use footnotes only to explain material that cannot be justified for inclusion in text or tables. Number the notes consecutively, using Arabic numerals, beginning with footnote “1.” Use your word processing program to insert footnotes.We typically recommend citations in the APA format rather than footnotes.