
Publication Date

June 2010


Globalization is easily understood as part of the continuing history of imperialism, indeed, of capitalist development and expansion. Have the imperial structures really been dismantled, even though the empire, free as they politically seem after independence, still writes back to the (imperial) center? This paper probes into the angelic posture that globalization seems to assume in its tackling of these complexities of identities. In this age of the clamor for national literatures and criticism, which is a fundamental principle of postcolonial literatures, will globalization automatically erode the idea of a postcolonial world and literatures? Is post-colonialism in its present phase and posture able to cater for the heterogeneous national literatures that it seeks to foreground or canonize? These constitute the frontline unease that this paper sets out to unravel; hence, the need to redefine the whole concept of globalization.

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