"Introduction to the Year of Cuba Special Issue" by Daniel Paracka

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As part of the Kennesaw State University’s Annual Country Study Program, the 2019-2020 academic year was dedicated to the study of Cuba. The Year of Cuba (YoC)1 consisted of 27 distinct educational events with over 2600 students in attendance from 74 different majors and 11 colleges. The breadth and depth of the programs provided a strong basis for understanding Cuba in both its historical and contemporary contexts.

Author Bio(s)

Dan Paracka is a Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Kennesaw State University. Dr. Paracka teaches courses aimed at helping students internationalize their college experience and better understand today’s complex interdependent world. For more than 15 years, Dan led KSU’s education abroad office and coordinated KSU’s signature annual country study program. He has been the PI or Co-PI for numerous grants and awards including awards from: the American Council on Education, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Institute of International Education, Institute of Turkish Studies, Japan Foundation, the Korea Foundation, Georgia Humanities Council, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center, United States Department of State, and U.S. Summit & Initiative for Global Citizen Diplomacy. He is currently the PI for a two-year grant from the Stevens Initiative to conduct Virtual Exchange on Women’s Leadership with Hassan II University of Casablanca in Morocco.

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