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As advances in communication technologies (CT) continue to shape modern life, it is critical study abroad professionals and faculty leaders contemplate the ways in which such technologies impact study abroad. This essay provides an argument for the value and utility of such contemplation through an in-depth examination of a short-term, faculty-led study abroad program and the three faculty who lead it. The authors provide reflective summaries of their own experiences with CT and study abroad and discuss the ways in which changes in CT resulted in changes to their own study abroad program including the integration of CT into academic components and logistics of the program. The essay concludes with practical advice for exploring the ways in which CT might effectively integrate into study abroad programs.

Author Bio(s)

Todd Lee Goen is Instructor in the Department of Communication at Christopher Newport University where he teaches courses in interpersonal, family, and intercultural communication. Additionally, he directs faculty-led study abroad programs focused on the development of intercultural communication competence, directs the department's internship program, and chairs the university's International Studies Advisory Committee. He holds the MA in Communication from the University of Arkansas.

Jennifer R. Billinson is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Christopher Newport University where she teaches courses in media and serves as a co-leader for faculty-led study abroad. Her research focuses on the role of music and tragic events. She holds a PhD in Mass Communication from Syracuse University.

Linda D. Manning is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Communication at Christopher Newport University where she teaches courses in interpersonal and family communication as well as qualitative research methods. Manning also serves as a co-leader for faculty-led study abroad. Her research currently focuses on familial discourses related to the environment and sustainability. She holds a PhD in Human Communication from the University of Denver.

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