IR For Students - Current and Graduating Soon
Heather Hankins
This flyer links to major collections for KSU students, both currently enrolled and those graduating soon.
Wanted Poster
Heather Hankins
This poster was developed for office doors to increase walk in consultations.
Upload Day Handout
Heather Hankins and Rachel Schrauben Yeates
This handout guided participants in Upload Days where faculty dropped in to supported upload workshops.
Faculty Brochure 2022-2024
Heather Hankins
This brochure was used 2022-2024 to explain how KSU faculty could benefit from using the IR.
Student Brochure 2022-2024
Heather Hankins
This brochure was used 2022-2024 to explain how KSU students could benefit from using the IR.
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