Date of Award

Winter 10-30-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology


Instructional Technology

Committee Chair

Dr. Yi Jin

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Julia Fuller

Second Committee Member

Dr. Jo Williamson


Online professional development became a necessity during the pandemic for educators, including Instructional Technology Coaches, to continue to gain knowledge to improve instruction. In this study, Instructional Technology Coaches participated in an online professional development series of synchronous and asynchronous sessions called Pathways. Two theoretical frameworks were used to support the research: Adult Learning Theory with an emphasis on the Theory of Computer-based Instruction for Adults, and TPACK. The seven characteristics of effective professional development created by Darling-Hammond et al. (2017) provided a foundation on which design elements to include in Pathways. There were 10 design elements that were implemented in this single-case study: content-focused, active learning, collaboration, modeling, coaching support, feedback, sustained duration and time, reflection, resources, and format of Microsoft Class Teams. All 28 participants were given the opportunity to complete feedback forms after every synchronous session and complete three asynchronous assignments to demonstrate how their TPACK was impacted throughout the Pathway. There were 8 of the 28 participants who agreed to also participate in interviews. Based on the qualitative data collected from feedback forms, interviews, and asynchronous assignments, all ten design elements were perceived by the participants to be beneficial to their learning. Some participants found some hindrances to their learning from certain aspects of the design elements: active learning, collaboration, modeling, feedback, sustained duration and time, and the format of Microsoft Class Teams. The TPACK of the participants was also positively impacted throughout the Pathway as discovered by the rubric results of the asynchronous assignments. Future research can continue the research for how design elements can impact Instructional Technology Coaches learning through Pathways during the school year.
