Date of Award
Fall 12-14-2021
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology
Committee Chair
Dr. Laurie Brantley-Dias
Committee Chair/First Advisor
Dr. Michael Dias
Second Committee Member
Dr. Tiffany Roman
The purpose of this study was to investigate four constructs of engagement (affective, behavioral, cognitive, and social) within an Honors Biology flipped learning environment. Social constructivism, the Bioecological Model of Influences on Student Engagement, and Academic Communities of Engagement (ACE) served as the theoretical foundation for the study. A mixed methods convergent parallel design was used to answer the following research questions: What are student perceptions of engagement in a flipped learning environment based on the dimensions of engagement (e.g., affective, behavioral, cognitive, and social)? How do high school Honors biology students affectively, behaviorally, cognitively, and socially engage during the in-class component of a flipped learning environment? What types of engagement occur during the in-class component of a flipped learning environment? Data were collected via surveys, observations, and interviews. Survey data were analyzed to determine mean and standard deviation engagement values for each construct. Observation data and interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis and done in two cycles to first determine initial codes and then establish prominent codes as related to each engagement construct. The results revealed affective and social engagement triangulated across all three data sets, with social engagement being the most prevalent. Social engagement occurred most often during observations, and students referenced themselves and their peers as being the most engaged when working together during class. These findings helped address the current gap in K-12 studies regarding social engagement in a secondary classroom.